pp108 : Guidelines to set Effective and Expiry Dates for Rules

Guidelines to set Effective and Expiry Dates for Rules

This topic describes the guidelines for setting the Effective and Expiry dates for either a rule or a decision table.

Note: The date specified in the Expires On text box must be later than the date specified in the Effective From text box.



Set a rule that never expires

Leave the Effective From and the Expires On text boxes blank . The rule will automatically be effective from the present date.

Set the rule that is effective from the present date and time and expires on a specified date

Specify the present date in the Effective From text box, and a date other than the present date in the Expires On text box. The effective date is set to the present date and time, and the expiry date will be set to 00:00:00 hrs on the specified date.

Set the rule that is effective on a specified date and expires on another specified day

Specify the specific dates in the Effective From and the Expires On text boxes. The rule will be effective from 00:00:00 hrs on the specified date, and the rule will expire on 00:00:00 hours on the specified date.
Note: If the rule is set to expire on the current date then the rule will automatically expire at 23:59:59 hrs of the current date.